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镇江市赛珍珠研究会 >>赛珍珠中美高中生交流项目 >> 中国学生 >> My first impression of the United States -Min Wang

My first impression of the United States -Min Wang

culture,what a vast word!It can be a connotative spirt of a family,a locality,or even a country.When it comes to the USA,many things come to mind,White House,Rugby,Hawaii,Edison,mechanization,many famous university,space shuttle,and my favourite singer——Talor Swift.From the geographical book,I know that America has a mechanical agriculture.And the USA has many national parks with amazing scenery.I thought American are rnthusiastic,personal and independent.However,I know that many American are eager to know China,but they always have enough chance.Me,too.I hope we can realize each other by participating in this activity.

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